Business Waste

The Agency, in cooperation with the Iowa Department of Natural Resources, has established the HHM facility to provide residents and Very Small Quantity Generators (VSQGs) with a local disposal of Household Hazardous Materials.

The service is FREE (excluding latex paint) for all households within the Agency’s service area. However, there is a charge for businesses. You must be a resident or categorized as a Very Small Quantity Generator (VSQG) in the Commission’s service area to utilize this facility. User fees may be assessed for VSQG’s within the service area. Call to determine if your business would be categorized as a VSQG.

Hours are Monday thru Friday 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. by appointment. Call 712-324-4026.


  • Appointments are necessary
  • Follow the HHM delivery instructions as provided by the Landfill staff.
  • When you arrive, notify the Landfill attendant that you have items for the HHM facility.
  • Follow the Landfill attendant’s instructions.

HHM Advice

  1. Always follow the product’s use, storage, and disposal label directions.
  2. Never store HHMs in food containers.
  3. Make sure lids are tight and secure on all stored HHMs.
  4. Don’t overbuy. But as much product as you think you will need, not more than you’ll need.
  5. Try to use it all up for its intended purpose.
  6. Always read labels!

If you are not sure if your material is prohibited or not sure if your material is a household hazardous material, call the facility staff. We will be more than glad to assist you. 1-712-324-4026